Monday, December 3, 2007

Okdoki Let´s see if I can get the hang of this

Ok. Well, hi there friends and family. I thought that perhaps this would be the best way to keep in touch with everybody or at least fill everybody in on life. Living far away from my family and friends and country is not the easiest thing, but we are happy. Ok, just a little update on life. We´ve been married for a little over 6 months. Wow, time flies. We are living in Chimbote, Peru. It used to be the biggest fishing port in all of South America...but not now. Now its struggling...let´s just say that. Ok, so right now in my life I´m struggling with 2 issues. 1. This year, U.S. Immigration Services recieved double the amount of visa requests than last year. Meaning that the chances of going back to the U.S.A. with my about 16-18 months away. That means my last semester of school...if put on a definate hold. But don´t you worry I´m going to finish my degree. 2. I don´t know how housewives spend their time without kids. The work here isn´t too promising. The jobs here are dangerous or people take advantage. So I´m looking into a work at home kinda thing to keep me busy and earn a little bit more to help out with the expenses. Haven´t found anything yet, ideas? I´ve gotta stay busy or I´m going to go crazy. I just can´t book and clean and read all day...I feel pretty useless. So that´s the new scoop on life.


Michael Harris said...

Congratulations on your wedding very late! Hope everything is going well

Sarah said...

Hi Michelle! I am glad you got a blog, it is for sure the easiest way to communicate! Post some more pictures of your wedding!

Amy said...

Hey Michelle! I was hoping that you would start a blog since we get too see you so often! jk. Anyway, I'm glad I finally get to keep up with you. It is such a nice way to see how all our lives are different these days and how exciting it is! well I'll be reading and commenting! :-)

Melanie said...

Brian told me about your blog, so I added you to my links page. I hope to get to know you a little better through blogging... at least through February. (Don't worry, you'll win the bet)

Sarah said...

Rotations are when students go and spend time following doctors around and get to start seeing patients and stuff like that. You spend so many weeks are months with each doctor, the purpose being that you find out what kind of doctor you want to be.