Wednesday, February 20, 2008

You wanna know about my husband?

How did you meet your significant other? 1. Where did you meet? In Santa Cruz, Bolivia as missionaries. 2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met? Well, he sure is excited about the Work! 3. Do you remember what he/she was wearing? I´m sure white shirt and tie. 4. Where was the first time you kissed this person? In the Lima Peru Airport the moment I got off the airplane. 5. How did he/she ask you out? Well, first he said, "So would you like to go to Macchupiccu?" over the phone. 6. Where did you go for your first date?Cusco and Macchupiccu, cool first date, huh? 7. How long did you know this person before you became a couple? 11 months 8. Has this person ever proposed to you? Yes 9. Do you and this person have kids together?Not yet, but hopefully in the near future 10. Have you ever broken the law together?No 11. When was the first time you realized that you liked this person? Admire and like are different...I suppose I began to admire him when he helped some friends of mine. 12. Do you get along with any of the ex's of your partner? I've never met them 13. Do you trust this person?Yes siree 14. Do you see your partner in your future? Por tiempor y eternidad 15. Whats the most expensive thing this person has given you? uhmmm, trip to Cusco or engagement ring. 16. What are you attracted to the most about her/him?His love for the God and the Gospel, the pure love he has for people, and his desire to make things better than they are now. 18. Where do you see each other in 15 years from now? With kids, teaching them correct principles in a home full of love and wholesomeness...whereever in the world. Ok so my answers are kinda cheesy...but its true...Thanks Amy.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Yay, I was hoping you'd do this! I've learned so much!